This recipe is from my mother. It may sound strange, but these are really good and very easy to make. The Brussels sprouts should be brown with a bit of...
Delicious glazed sprouts. Our family loves them with lots of bacon. While we do enjoy them prepared lighter, this is a great quick side dish for a special...
A great way to have Brussels sprouts with a little more flair. The cream takes away the bitterness you usually find in Brussels. This is a family favorite...
Don't be afraid of Brussels sprouts ... yes, they are green, but they are so delicious! Pan frying them brings out their flavor. Use as a side dish ......
A little maple syrup brings life to chicken thighs and caramelizes Brussels sprouts and sweet potato wedges. Dried cranberries and pecans add tartness...
The rich creamy sauce is baked over the sprouts to make a delicious side everyone adores! Have the recipe on hand when serving it to guests, because they...
Healthy and full of flavor, sriracha honey Brussels sprouts are crispy and coated with a delicious sweet and spicy sauce. Perfect side dish for any meal!...
Like fried cabbage? Then you are in for a treat. This is easy and most kids are actually surprised that it tastes better than it looks! I add about 2 tablespoons...
Pan-fry Brussels sprouts in butter and crispy bacon for a smoky addition to your vegetable side dish. You can add a little of the bacon grease to the dish...
Not too often do you hear 'fantastic' and 'Brussels sprouts' in the same sentence but this recipe is deserving of that. When I mentioned I was bringing...
This is the ONLY way I can get my husband and kids to eat Brussels sprouts, and everybody that tries this dish LOVES it! Mouth-watering creamy cheesy sauce...
Brussels sprouts tend to turn people off. This way of cooking them brings out their nutty flavor and has made the most passionate haters at my last Thanksgiving...
Bacon and maple are a match made in heaven. Now add in Brussels sprouts and you have a trifecta of tasty goodness. This Allrecipes Magazine recipe is based...
This is a great side dish to serve with any grilled meat item or other vegetable dishes. I get many requests for this when catering. People who normally...
It was my first year cooking Christmas dinner for the family and I was just thinking of imaginative vegetables I could have! Turned out great and everyone...
I grill anything and just tried this recipe one night for a change. Works great on your indoor plug-in, lean-mean grill also. These are great with a wasabi...
Brussels sprouts are delicious when cooked in this creamy cheese sauce. If your Brussels sprouts are very small, cook them less, so they don't get too...
No bells and whistles with this one, just delicious sprouts with crispy brown edges and soft insides. I've got a 10-quart fryer so if the sprouts look...
Very simple but delicious way to serve Brussels sprouts. If you have time, you may want to make your own Italian dressing; if not, the bottled kind works...
If you have never tried Brussels sprouts roasted, then you are in for a treat. They are sweet and tender on the inside, crispy on the outside, and flavored...
Brussels Sprouts are shredded like cabbage and quickly sauteed in bacon drippings with garlic and almonds. This recipe has made Brussels sprouts lovers...
If you're looking for the easiest dinner imaginable (short of takeout), sheet pan recipes are the perfect thing for you. This one, with chicken, apple,...
Smashing Brussels sprouts and covering them with cheese guarantees lots of crispy, crunchy edges! Play with the seasonings and amount of cheese to suit...
An easy recipe for Brussels sprouts. The mix of honey and soy sauce give it an original and interesting flavor. Serve with plain rice, white or whole grain....